
This District includes the District of Columbia, Delaware, Maryland, North Carolina (except Charlotte and Davidson), Virginia, and Charleston, West Virginia.

Welcome to WRJ Mid-Atlantic District!

Greetings from Andrea Stillman, Mid-Atlantic District President

Andrea Stillman Headshot

I am honored to serve as your District President for the next three years.

In March 2023, we prayed, learned, sang, and socialized together at our Making Waves Together District convention in Ocean City, Maryland. From the moment we began at our Ice Cream Social Thursday evening, the excitement was palpable. Long-time members saw and hugged their friends for the first time in many years. Perhaps even more heartwarming was watching these same members welcome and embrace those joining us for the first time.

During a beautiful installation ceremony, the baton was passed from a wonderful executive committee led by outgoing president, Marilyn Morrison, to the new district leaders. While I am so proud to work side-by-side with a group of talented and enthusiastic group of ladies, I want to reiterate my deep-rooted belief that the WRJ Mid-Atlantic District is really about all of us supporting each other and working together. I want to meet as many of you as possible; I want to hear your needs; I want to hear your ideas; and I want to hear your constructive criticism. Without you, success will be elusive.

I began doing that just that this past weekend by joining the Ohef Sholom Temple Sisterhood in Norfolk, VA, for their beautiful Women’s Shabbat service and the next day luncheon. There was so much positive dialog, and I believe I saw many idea bubbles appear, starting with my own. Please invite me to come to your sisterhood events and/or your Board meetings. I will always do my best to join you.

Non-profit organizations rely on volunteerism to run, and the district is no exception. I understand we are all so busy, and we have made so many of our opportunities into huge commitments of time and other resources. I am dedicated to expanding ways you can get involved by meeting you where you are. Volunteering brings you closer to our mission and enables opportunities for personal growth and friendship. You are all valuable; we do not measure your value in the number of hours you have to give. With all that is going on in our country and abroad, this is an opportune time to join together as Reform Jewish women.

To close, I want to thank Marilyn Morrison, Margee Greenfield, and Louise Johanson for their service to the MAD Executive Committee. Notice I did not say goodbye. Marilyn will be active as our Immediate Past President, and Margee and Louise are just a phone call away, always willing to help.

I end by extending a heartfelt welcome and thank you to the new Executive Committee. You will meet all these extraordinary women on our website, in the Candle, at meetings, and Zoom programming over the course of the next few months.

In Sisterhood,


Order Your District Cookbook

Cookbook Cover

Over 80 tried and true recipes were collected from our sisterhood members for our virtual cookbook. The recipes include appetizers, sides, entrees and desserts. Also included are tips and tricks and menu ideas. Proceeds from the sale of our cookbook will be used to help women who don’t have the means to send their children to Jewish camp and allow those leaders to attend district meetings and conventions. Funds will also support social action and advocacy projects at those events. We hope you find inspiration in these pages!

WRJ News

Starburst of colors with title Just For This with Rabbi Liz P.G. Hirsch

Just For This, a new podcast, inspires women in leadership to talk about women and leadership. Hosted by Rabbi Liz P.G. Hirsch, executive director of WRJ, Just For This is committed to sharing powerful stories of women who stand out in their fields.

Supporting Israel from Afar: WRJ Resources

Yom HaZikaron & Yom HaAtzmaut

WRJ stands with the people of Israel during these difficult and challenging days and pray for the safety and immediate release of all of the hostages.

As the war persists in Israel, we urge you to keep up to date on what we are doing and ways you can help.

On the WRJ Blog

Growing My Circle of Sisterhood

When I think about the three pillars of WRJ, it is difficult to assign a level of importance to one over the others. That said, I will write about the one that brought me to Women of Reform Judaism in the first place, “sisterhood.” When we moved to Maryland from Forest Hills, New York, in 1984 my

My Reflection as WRJ's Legislative Assistant

I first learned about Women of Reform Judaism (WRJ) at NFTY convention in 2019. In a crowded convention hall, many of the URJ’s affiliate organizations and programs were there to advertise themselves to the hundreds of students who had gathered in Dallas, Texas. I remembered being intrigued; I had

Finding My Personal Pillars at FWC

My journey within Women of Reform Judaism, although still very much in its beginning stages, has had a profound impact on my connection to Judaism. Having recently converted, I wasn’t sure where I would belong within the organization. WRJ is founded on the three pillars of sisterhood, spirituality