May 2022
Beginning the Conversation
I will admit it, when I was in college, Freshman English was a struggle for me. The books we read were classics that I had never been exposed to and I was in way over my head. I can still recall the night that I threw my dictionary down the hall lamenting, “I just can’t do it!”
My “straight A” self was quite pleased to receive a C- in the class, that is, until the teacher came to me and said, “basically, you are illiterate, and you have to take this class again.” At that point, I was certain that I would never be a writer.
And yet, here I am. I’ve been asked to share my thoughts and write a blog for the WRJ Southwest District. While I’m not sure I have anything significant to say, my goal is simply to share the Devarim Livi [the words of my heart] and I hope that you find value in these musings. I promise that this will be very informal, and I hope that by reading my words, you will find your own voice and we can create a conversation.
It is all about the connections, and I look forward to sharing our words of the heart.
Laurel Burch Fisher is a Vice President of the Board at Temple Shalom in Dallas, Texas and the Immediate Past President of the Sisters of Shalom. She is a Past President of the WRJ Southwest District and has served on the WRJ Board of Directors since 2009. When she is not teaching preschoolers at the JCC, Laurel volunteers for a variety of Jewish organizations and occasionally finds time for creative writing and poetry.
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The Southwest Schmooze
Our monthly newsletter, The Southwest Schmooze, highlights important dates, upcoming events, and news around the Southwest District!
Click on the dates below for past issues.
2020 State of the Southwest District
October 2020 Southwest Schmooze - Your TOP FIVE Civic Action To-do List!
September 2020 Southwest Schmooze
August 2020 Southwest Schmooze - Convention Special Issue #2
July 2020 Southwest Schmooze - Convention Special Issue #1